the purdue solutions experience

Real Consulting Experience

Upon acceptance, associate consultants are immediately immersed in projects with real clients. Projects range from work with technology startups, manufacturing and operations firms, and nonprofits. Solutions’ consultants are able to contribute meaningful content to the lifecycle of projects, interact with clients, and help give final recommendations.

Career Development and Recruiting

Each member of our organization has exclusive access to members-only networking events with top consulting firms (MBB, Deloitte, PwC, Accenture, EY, & more). Along with a rigorous professional development curriculum, each member is placed in a structured mentorship family with other members & alumni to help land valuable internships and full-time roles.

Life-long Friends

In addition to being part of a student-led firm, our consultants are also classmates, mentors, and friends. We organize social events for our members to engage with each other, learn more about past experiences, and foster lasting relationships. Additionally, students meet frequently and collaborate on schoolwork, case prep, and more in their free time.

Where We Work


Due to Purdue Solutions’ interactions with real clients we require a rigorous recruitment process and only accept the top candidates that apply. Limiting the number of members in the club maintains a high level of talent that benefits both our corporate partners and clients. Our organization has a culture of hardworking, intelligent and charismatic students that we maintain through our extensive recruitment.

Purdue Solutions has begun hosting two callouts a semester to help prospective students get a better idea of what we have to offer them and to learn more about the organization and our key initiatives for the upcoming year. This callout is not necessary but may provide further information for students on the fence about applying. Students that miss callouts and would like to learn more about the organization can reach out to us for a brief primer prior to the application deadline.

Our application consists of standard information (name, email, resume, etc…) and a short written portion. The written portion allows students to express their personality along with why they’re interested in our organization, and helps our team get to know applicants.

After applications are reviewed, a small subset of students are chosen to be interviewed for the position of Consultant. The interview consists of two 15 minute interviews: a behavioral and case interview. Interviews are conducted by our directors and project managers. A behavioral interview is similar to a traditional interview and will include questions to help directors get a better idea of what type of person the student is. The case interview is a short problem that the student will be asked to solve on the spot. No prior knowledge is required for the case portion - though we recommend garnering baseline information about case interviews prior to the interview date. The case can be on any topic, with an emphasis on strategic prowess and technology solutions. While case interviews are important, we also take into account experience levels and quick thinking skills when evaluating applications.

Joining the Club
Shortly following interviews, a select cohort of students will be notified with offers to join our organization. New associate consultants will attend our first all-member meeting and present a slide with a primer on themselves and get acquainted with the organization.


How is Purdue Solutions different from other clubs?
Purdue Solutions is the only external consulting club at Purdue. We work with real clients on real world problems. This distinguishes us from other clubs on campus as our members have the opportunity for real client work and interaction.

What is the time commitment?
The time commitment will vary depending on the project. Required all-member meetings are biweekly and last roughly 1 hour depending on the contents. Most projects will require 3 or more hours a week. Consultants will have project work and responsibilities (amount varied by project) outside of the required meetings.

How often are meetings, and what do meetings consist of?
All-member meetings are biweekly on Thursdays starting at 6:30 and last roughly one hour. Topics include workshops, guest speakers and other activities. Consultants will also have internal and external project-team meetings that will vary depending on the needs and flow of the project and client.

Am I qualified?
Joining Solutions requires zero prior experience or technical knowledge. All majors, years and levels of experience are considered when selecting consultants. Critical thinking skills are the most valued aspect of consultants.

How do we connect students to jobs?
- Private events exclusive to companies and Solutions consultants.
- Alumni connections.
- Real experience to learn from and talk about in interviews.
- Case and interview preparation.